(This prayer is designed to be interspersed with the singing of the verses of “Give Thanks for Those Whose Faith Is Firm,” #731 in Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal or #428 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.)
Let us give thanks to God for all the saints of our lives
and the witness they have shared with us
even as we continue to walk the journey of faith
and make our way to the glory that God is preparing for all of us.
Let us pray.
Eternal God,
our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
we praise you for the saints of all times and places
who have walked the road of faith before us and beside us.
For their witness to your love and their commitment to your justice,
for their trust in your mercy regardless of the circumstance,
we give you thanks and praise.
(verse 1 of “Give Thanks for Those Whose Faith Is Firm”)
God of all creation,
we praise you for all your servants who have witnessed to your truth,
who have shown us your love,
who have inspired us to have hope.
By their example of faith, hope, and love,
remind us of your calling to join in making your new creation real in this world and the next.
(verse 2)
God of grace and peace,
we praise you for women and men and children
who reflect your love into our world.
Guide us to continue their faithful work
as we too walk in the light of your love.
(verse 3)
God of all saints,
today we especially remember the saints from among this community who have departed our company over the past year.
We thank you for the faithful witness of N. and N.,
for their courage amidst strife
and their hope in the face of death.
We remember so many other saints who have walked this road with us,
whom we name before you aloud or in silence:
Continue to inspire us by their faithful witness,
that we too might join in bringing your justice, mercy, and peace to our world.
(verse 4)
Eternal God,
as we walk this pilgrim way,
make our faith firm,
our hope clear,
and our love pure,
that we might join the saints of all the ages in praise eternal,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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