Submitted by Laura Viau, Orlando, FL (MDiv student at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary)
(Based on Luke 4:16-19, Matt 28:16-20, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:4-8)
Reader 1. When Jesus began his ministry he read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah:
Reader 2. The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor; he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the captives free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
Reader 1.He prayed for his disciples to continue that ministry.
Reader 3. And for all the generations to come.
Reader 4: That we might help others know God.
ALL: And what does the Lord require of us?
Reader 4: Go and make disciples
Reader 2: Teaching them all I have commanded
Reader 1: Walk humbly with your God
Reader 3: And You will receive power.
Reader 4: Act justly
Reader 1: Love Mercy
Reader 4: Proclaim the Good News
Reader 2: And I will be with you
ALL: What does the Lord require of you?
Reader 4: Go and make disciples
Reader 2: Love your neighbor,
Reader 1: in Jerusalem
Reader 3: Judea and Samaria
Reader 4: And to the ends of the earth
Reader 2: Baptizing them in the name of the Father
Reader 3: and of the Son
Reader 1: and of the Holy Spirit.
ALL: You will receive power
Reader 2: And I will be with you
Reader 4: Giving sight to the blind
Reader 1: Setting free the oppressed
Reader 3: Proclaiming freedom for the prisoners
ALL: What does the Lord require of you?
Reader 4: Act
Reader 1: Wait
Reader 3:Give
Reader 2: Love
Reader 1: Teach
Reader 4: Go
Reader 3: Walk
Reader 2: And surely I will be with you, even to the very end of the age.
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