Holy Manna, you alone can feed us until we want no more;
yet how often we turn to people or activities or substances to satisfy cravings.
Bread of heaven, you prepare a meal to welcome people from far and near;
yet we decline your invitation, preferring the comfort of familiar tables and food.
Bread of life, you give of yourself to nourish all with abundance;
At times we miss your bounty in our lives and forget how much we can share.
Loving Christ, you promise that all who come to you will never be hungry.
Forgive us when we forget. May we taste once again and know that you are good, and that your goodness is for us and for all the world. In your name, Amen.
Silent Prayer
Assurance of Grace
True abundance does not come because of what we do but because of the Person we know. Jesus still feeds hungry strangers – even us – and calls us to share food with others.
Thanks be to God. Let us share God’s bounty.
*Gloria (to the tune of Holy Manna)
Glory to our Heavenly Maker, glory to the Living Bread;
Glory to the Spirit moving, as each hungry one is fed.
Glory to our God who forgives us, sets us free and makes us new.
God in Christ gives life abundant. Taste and know it is for you.
Submitted by Rev. Laura Cunningham, Nauraushaun Presbyterian Church, Pearl River, NY
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