One: Come those who thirst for living water.
confession: dodged your call
God of all gods, Master of all kings, we have dodged your call and detoured from your path so much that we are often lost and cannot hear you. We deny dreams of your kingdom come, your will done by rebuilding ruins with relics. Our exile from you means a nightmare of struggling with others. Forgive our self worship and reveal the mystery of the dream you have for us…
(silent prayer)
Submitted by Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Carson City NV
CTW: come all
One: Come all who are scattered and discarded
All: Come all in hunger and fear
One: Today we gather together
All: So that no one will be lost
One: Jesus is with us…do not be afraid!
Submitted by Rev. Christy Ramsey, Goodyear Heights Presbyterian Church, Akron OH.
confession: infected with fear
Giver of beauty and bounty, the world is filled with people to love and provisions for living. Yet we infect your blessings with fear. We use people and love things seeking the shallow security of isolation and independence. Forgive us for hoarding life that only grows when shared, for taking love when love is made for giving. Do not pull back from us. Help us to find faith to give our love to others as you did in Christ…
confession: dividing humanity
Bringer of peace, we confess we call holy places of sterile stone and dead wood instead of being built into a temple of living hearts and helping hands. Forgive us for dividing humanity when you have joined all together with the cross. May we build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. Hear us as we move our hearts so they may be your home…
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