confession: crimes of indifference
Forgive us, Lord, when our pocketbooks get in the way of your justice. Let our hearts melt like the candles we light in your name. Absolve us from closing our eyes to the injustices around us, empower us to speak up breaking free from the chains that shackle us. Exonerate us from the crime of indifference towards the systematic dehumanizing of our neighbors. Strengthen us to stand with the oppressed even though we might already be free. Open our hearts and our minds to the truth that none are free until we all are free.
Submitted by Rev. Greg Bolt, First Presbyterian Church, Nebraska City, Nebraska
confession: when we don’t want to get up
forgive us when we don’t want to get up,
when we would rather hide under our covers of fear and security,
when we wait for others to help
and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to your call,
confession: pointing the finger
God, we come to you recognizing that we often forget that you made the world and all that it is in it. We so quickly point the finger at the other, the neighbor, the outcast, the one who is different from us. Forgive us for expecting to be forgiven without forgiving others. Forgive us for rash decisions and hateful words. Forgive us for projecting our fears onto those whom we fear. Help us to see past our differences, past the barriers that we have created, and remind us to love others as you have loved us.
Submitted by Rev. Greg Bolt, First Presbyterian Church, Nebraska City, Nebraska
confession: holding on
God of the old and the new,
we want to embrace your new way,
but we like the old just fine.
We repeat tired ideas and resist new possibilities.
We hold on to old grudges
and resist your word of reconciliation and new life.
We are too afraid of the unknown to step out into something new.
Forgive us, loving Lord.
Help us to see the way of your new creation in our lives and our world,
that we might be reconciled to you and one another in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Submitted by Rev. Andy James, First Presbyterian Church, Whitestone, New York
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