Eternal God, infinite in power, wisdom and goodness: Let the desire of our souls be to you; let us draw near you with our hearts, and not only with our lips; and worship you in spirit and truth. Let your word be spoken and heard by us as the word of God. Give us attentive, hearing ears, and opened, believing, understanding hearts, that we may no more refuse your calls, or disregard your merciful, outstretched hand, or slight your counsels, but be more ready to hear. Put your laws into our hearts, and write them in our minds, and let us all be taught by you. Let us magnify you with thanksgiving, and triumph in your praise. Let us rejoice in your salvation, and glory in your holy name. Open our lips, O Lord, and let our mouths show forth your praise. And let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. Amen.
Adapted from Richard Baxter’s Savoy Liturgy of the English Presbyterians, 1661, by Daniel Hayward, South Stormont Pastoral Charge, The United Church of Canada, South Stormont Township ON.
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