God of our Knowns and our Unknowns,
We come to you today in a mixture of places. Some of us arrive excited and proud, ready to start another day with a new step forward. While many of us come to you worn and torn by the torrent of mounting realities that seem to swirl around us. And yet you know us, you know our places of confidence and our places of doubt. You know when we speak out of authenticity and when we let the realities of the world around us code our words and our stories.
And in your knowing we find comfort, in your knowing we find our place at the table, in your knowing we learn what grace means, in your knowing we find our call.
In the whisper of our names from the lips of the Holy we are reminded of our commitments to you O God. We know that we are called to renounce the forces of wickedness that create pain and terror in the world around us, that we are called to love with our whole selves, and to remember who and whose we are.
Move us out of our complacency and remind us that grace is at work in our lives, in this room, in our world. Embrace us that we may walk on days when it is hard to put our feet on the ground. Hold us when we struggle to know what to do next. And love us by continuing to call our name that we would continue to know yours.
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