Prayers of the People (based on Psalm 41)
O God, our unshakeable foundation,
hear us as we offer our prayers for all who are afflicted.
We pray for those who are poor and in need,
that you would deliver them in the time of trouble
and grant abundant joy.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who are sick or injured,
and for all who minister to them,
that the blessings of health and wholeness would be made real.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who are near death,
or who mourn the loss of loved ones today.
Teach us to rightly remember those who have gone ahead of us,
and help us to entrust our lives to you even in death.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who face hostility, violence,
or broken relationships in their everyday life.
We pray for our enemies, calling upon your steadfast mercy.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
O Lord, you hold us fast,
and you lift us up forever by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Therefore we pray with boldness,
joining together in the prayer Christ taught, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion IA
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