Somewhere, in the course of writing a playful Call To Worship for use with an opening rendition of “O Sing to the Lord” (#472 in the Presbyterian Hymnal, Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990) involving all of the instruments listed, this somehow ended up sounding as if it was written by a famous doctor who writes books for children.
Let’s give thanks to God…right here…where we are!
Let’s give thanks with Piano…Percussion…Guitar!
Tambourines…King Klaves…Cowbells…and Cabasas…
Guiros…Castanets…Egg Shakers…Maracas!
Let’s dance if we want…
Let’s sing every chord…
Let all that has breath…give thanks to the LORD!
Submitted by Scott Cervas, pastor at Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)
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