We call on you with thanksgiving, Lord of heaven and earth,
and we come before you with all our heart.
We set you apart as the one deserving of all our praise,
and we call on your love and faithfulness
for the sake of your name.
We call to you, trusting that you will answer.
We pray for all who are sick, suffering, or struggling;
O Lord, increase the strength of those who are weak.
We pray for those who govern nations and hold power in the world;
speak your words of wisdom and justice, and let there be ears to hear.
We pray for those whose gifts of beauty and skill
give glory to your name and joy to others;
guard them my your mercy.
Lord God most high, we pray for those who are weighed down
by injustice, violence, or fear;
lift up the lowly and bring forth justice.
We call on you for ourselves,
in the midst of whatever trouble we may find ourselves in.
Walk along with us and guide us in your service.
O Lord, make good the purposes for which you have called us;
we trust in your enduring love,
made real for us in Jesus Christ,
who taught us to pray, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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