Psalm 146
Confession: when our faith is empty
Call to Confession
Let us gather to lament what is broken in our lives and ask God to forgive us.
Your word reminds us that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves.
But we make far too many distinctions,
treating one person with more dignity and respect than another.
We gladly welcome those who look and act like us,
but give a much less enthusiastic welcome to the stranger.
Forgive us for the moments when our faith has been empty,
for the times that our works have not matched our words.
Help us lean ever more towards your goodness
and help our lives reflect that goodness in concrete ways. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
The Psalmist reminds us:
Happy are those whose help is in God, whose hope is in the Lord.
Friends, God has heard our cry and has forgiven us our sins.
Alleluia! Amen.
Submitted by Stephen M. Fearing, Beaumont Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY
POP: no other helper
Alleluia! We praise you, O Lord,
with every fiber of our being.
With all our heart, soul, mind, and strength we will sing praises to you.
We earnestly put our trust in you alone,
knowing that there is no other helper but you, the Almighty.
Therefore we call out to you on behalf of all who are hungry or oppressed,
asking you to keep your faithfulness to your beloved creation.
Liberator, set the prisoners free;
Light of the world, open the eyes of those who cannot see;
Strength of the broken, lift up those who long to be healed.
O Lord, hear our prayers for those we lift up before you.
Preserve the righteous by your justice;
care for the stranger in your compassion;
sustain the orphan and the widow in your community of faith;
and save all your world from the hand of the wicked.
You, O Lord, shall reign forever,
and so we join all generations in the prayer your Son taught us, saying:
The Lord’s prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
POP: we call on your love
We praise you, God of steadfast faithfulness,
and we open our souls before you now and for all our lives.
Help us to put our fullest trust in you
and acclaim you as our help and strength.
We pray today for those whose lives are wracked by grief and loss,
[especially _____,]
that you would reveal your abiding presence
and restore broken hearts.
God of steadfast faithfulness: we call on your love.
You made the heaven and the earth, the seas, and all that is in them;
give food to those who hunger
and justice to those who are oppressed.
God of steadfast faithfulness: we call on your love.
You are the freedom of all your people,
the strength of all who are weary,
the healing of all who are sick.
We pray for those who suffer and seek your health,
[especially _____.]
God of steadfast faithfulness: we call on your love.
We pray especially today for widows, immigrants, and those who are without homes or families.
Gather your people together and create a community of love once again.
God of steadfast faithfulness: we call on your love.
Lord, your grace and love reign forever,
and your promise is with us throughout all generations
in Jesus Christ, who prays with us as we say together…
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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