God, save us!
In your mighty power, give us resurrection hope!
Hear our prayers for the world you rose again to save.
Risen Christ, show us your face.
You rose from the grave
and dethroned the powers of death.
You absorbed the force of violence
and showed it to be nothing before you.
We pray today for those who live in fear of death
and suffer under the threat of violence.
Risen Christ, show us your face.
Just as you called Mary by her name,
you call us to give thanks and worship.
We pray for those whose faith is faltering,
for those who suffer,
for those who weep outside the tombs of life.
Risen Christ, show us your face.
With Mary, we hear your call
to go and proclaim the good news of your risen life.
We give thanks to your name,
because you have delivered us from death.
Give us eyes to see the victory of life,
and let our words and actions bear witness
to your unending grace.
Risen Christ, show us your face.
Show us your face, Risen Christ,
and pray with us as we join in the prayer you taught…
The Lord’s Prayer
submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams (he/him), Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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