We give you thanks and praise, O Lord,
because you have restored your people
and saved us from all our sins.
In faithfulness you have turned to us again and again.
You have been patient with your people
whom you called to serve you and reflect your steadfast love.
When we ignored your goodness and lost ourselves in sin,
you heard our cries for new life.
You showed us your faithful love and granted us salvation.
In just the right time, you spoke your Word into flesh;
you spoke the Prince of Peace into a human body,
to turn our hearts back to you.
Although we rejected him and cast him out,
you raised Jesus from death and gifted us with life.
In his resurrection, salvation is near us forever,
and by your Holy Spirit, your glory dwells in us.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us now,
and on these gifts of bread and cup,
so that this meal might be Christ’s holy feast,
and this church might be Christ’s own body.
Make our lives the embrace of love and faithfulness;
in our world let righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Let faithfulness spring up wherever we go,
and let righteousness rain down upon everyone we meet.
O Lord, grant prosperity to those in need,
and let every community yield the fruits of your grace.
Let our lives prepare your way with righteousness,
in Jesus’ name, who taught us to pray, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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