Call to Reconciliation
Seeking to follow Jesus, we often wander down the wrong roads. Impatient
with God’s schedule, we rush off to do things our way. Let us confess our
foolishness, that we might receive God’s hope for our lives.
Unison Prayer of Confession
Your words are given to us, Author of Life, so we might be reformed,
but we are intent on changing others. Your words are offered to us so we
might be transformed, but we are focused on conforming to our culture. Your
words are spoken to lead us into new life, but we hold our old ways tight to
our chests.
Forgive us, God of Wonder. Do not remember our sins, but continue to
touch us with your steadfast mercy. Show us how to be persistent in living
out our faith, even as you were so tenacious in offering us your grace and
life in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
L: Jesus reminds us that we are to be resolute in our lives of faithfulness
and service. The good news is that God is steadfast in filling us with love
and grace.
P: We are forgiven people. May we live as sisters and brothers in Christ,
God’s children in word and deed, in hope and joy. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies.
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