opening prayer: silence
One: We come into your holy place, O God, hoping for a glimpse of your presence
All: Silence us when we allow our voices to drown out yours.
Silence us when our words in the sanctuary and our actions outside do not line up.
Into that silence, speak again your word of life and your call to live the gospel.
One: Help us to be still and know that you are God.
Make space in our hearts and minds to trust your word—and not just our hearts and minds,
but also our choices and actions.
All: Tune our voices to sing of your glory, to share your good news.
And then open our lips, and our mouths shall proclaim your praise. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
confession: scurrying and striving
Lord, we have not trusted you. In all our scurrying to prepare, even spiritually, we have forgotten this one thing—to believe, to cling, to lay our burdens on you. We have failed to trust in your eternal realm. We brought it all on ourselves to carry the weight of sin, the need to fix our own problems and clean up our own messes. In all this striving, we missed the brightness of your morning star; we missed the fullness of the joy a life lived in you radiates. Fill us with your truth. Shape us into creatures who trust and obey, that we may rejoice with you in our salvation! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Elaine Murray Dreeben, Canyon Lake Presbyterian Church, TX
call to confession / declaration of grace: mind-expanding faith
God doesn’t call us to a blind faith…
but to a faith that is eye-opening and mind-expanding.
But we often find it more beneficial for ourselves
if we pretend we cannot see or understand God’s vision for creation.
So please join me in the prayer of confession…
(NOTE: The words of Jesus in italics, which are the words spoken to Thomas, could be spoken by another person besides the worship leader, perhaps someone sitting within the congregation with a microphone)
This is Good News:
God does not mock us when we fail to trust,
but invites us into a deeper, more intimate relationship.
Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Put your hand in my side. Trust me!
God does not shame us when our faith waivers,
but challenges us to be strengthened by God’s promises.
Happy are those who don’t see…and yet trust!
God’s purpose is not to tear us down…but to build us up…
forgiven…refreshed…and renewed!
So let’s sing…and let’s give thanks to God!
confession: behind closed doors
Sometimes we hide ourselves
behind closed doors…
afraid to love…
afraid to share…
afraid to be vulnerable.
Sometimes we hide ourselves
behind locked minds…
unwilling to love…
unwilling to share…
unwilling to be vulnerable.
But you always invite us
to step outside…
to trust…
and to embrace your new life.
Forgive our faintheartedness…
release us from our reluctance…
and inspire us to go and be and tell and do
your good news…
Submitted by Scott Cervas, pastor at Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)
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